Apsara Devi Sadhana
~Apsara devi sadhana~ "welcoming apsara in you life" Guru Diksha or initiation into the apasara sadhana : 1) Start on Thursday early morning at 4.00am to 5.00am 2) Sit facing north site 3) Sit on cotton or silk cloths Astral guru mantra chant: ~ Aum Dakshinamurtye Vidmahe, Dhyaanastyaa Dheemahi, Tanno Dheesa Prachodayaat~108× ~Gurur brahma, gurur vishu, Gurur devo, maheshwaraha Gurur saakshaat para brahma Tasmai shree gurave namaha ×108 Physical guru initiation: ~Optional: email us at (mystic dimension90@gmail.com) 1.your full name 2.Dob 3.With a clear pic of yours. Apsara devi sadhana: Start on Friday night after 11.00pm Preparation steps: Keep Any Three types of flowers (rose and jasmine is must!!!) Place them in the bucket of water. Colour Print the yantra below Place the yantra on top of the flowers EXAMPLE: ...
This is so good. Thank you for putting it in a beautiful way!