The Sound of Sanskrit and the Science of Mantra

The Sound of Sanskrit and the Science of Mantra~

Before we talk about the science of mantra, it is important to know about the Sanskrit language. The Sanskrit language was never made for an ordinary communication purpose. It is not a common language for a common use but has science of existence  in the form of sound. Sanskrit is not an invented language but a discovered language by the Indian yogis of the past. Later on, Sanskrit words have been adopted by other languages across the globe. Hence, it is regarded as the mother of almost all Indian and European languages except a language called Tamil hailed from the very south of India. Tamil as a language has no root to Sanskrit. It was developed independently even before the origin of Sanskrit. Tamil being the oldest language has more literary contents than any of the languages till date . 75% of Sanskrit works have been contributed by yogis and scholars from the Tamil kingdom. Renowned Tamilian scholars and saints like Raamanujar and Sankara have contributed to the growth of Sanskrit tremendously.  Immense care have been taken by these scholars to ensure Sanskrit has no external influence including their own mother tongue to safeguard the sanctity of Sanskrit as the ultimate technological device of sound.
By nature, Sanskrit is all about the sound and not the meaning attached to it. This gets labeled as mantra. A Mantra is an arrangement of sound, it is the key to existence but it is not the only one key, there is something much higher than a mantra. That is none other than silence.
There are endless information about silence but a write up on silence is not going to end anytime soon. All sounds are born out of silence but nothing could be compared to silence.
Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy. Where there is vibration, there is sound and sound is a form of energy. Hence, as the whole existence is a kind of sound, if you use them in a right way, they become a key to unlock a different dimension of your life  and experiences within you. Scholars call this branch of science as metaphysics. 
It is very important to approach mantras with full awareness. Just by repeating the sound only brings dullness to the mind and here it loses its purpose as an effective tool of bringing changes in ones life. But if one recites mantra with complete awareness, a mantra could be a very powerful mean.


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